Call for PapersPostgreSQL Conference Europe 2011 will be held on October 18-21 in the Casa 400 Hotel in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. It will cover topics for PostgreSQL users, developers and contributors, as well as decision and policy makers. For more information about the conference, please see the website at We are now accepting proposals for talks. Please note that we are looking for talks in English, Dutch, German and French. Each session will last 45 minutes, and may be on any topic related to PostgreSQL. Suggested topic areas include:
Of course, we're happy to receive proposals for talks on other PostgreSQL related topics as well. We also have a limited number of longer, 90-minute, slots available. Please indicate clearly in your submission if you wish to make a 90-minute talk. Finally, there will be a session of five minute lightning talks. A separate call for proposals will be made for them further on. The submission deadline has been extended to Sep 2nd, 2011. Selected speakers will be notified before Sep 8th, 2011. Please submit your proposals by going to the speaker profile form and set up your speaker profile. If you have already spoken at a previous PGDay.EU event, you already have a profile - please take a minute to review it. Once you have a profile, this page will provide a link to a form where you can submit one or more talks for PGConf.EU 2011. When the site prompts for a login, use your regular community account. If your proposal is in a non-english language, please include a single-sentence description of the presentation in English as well in the field for submission notes. The proposals will be considered by committee who will produce a schedule to be published nearer the conference date. If your proposal has been accepted, you will be informed by email within two weeks of the submission deadline. Program committeeThe program comittee for PostgreSQL Conference Europe 2011 consists of: